
Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I've bought a phone about a month ago that has talking caller ID. It's great, because if I'm in the middle of something when the phone rings I don't have to jump up, run into the next room and peer at a tiny screen to know whether I should pick up or not - by that time I've already been interrupted, so the point is really moot. The caller ID's voice is loud enough to be heard at the other end of the house, and it does a pretty good job with my friends' names. Where it tends to stumble is on business names - the other day Alpine Lending called and I swear the phone announced it as "All Things Lesbian". Say, isn't that a new show on NPR?


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Nancy, I hope you don't mind but I added an RSS feed of your blog to LiveJournal so that LJ filkers can keep abreast of your work.....yeah, I'm that kind of fan.

Love those Leather Pants of Evil,

Debbie Baudoin

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:22 AM  

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