
Friday, July 09, 2004

I'm really feeling wiped this evening. Despite the short work week, we seem to have crammed a full week's work into the remaining four days. Of course all hell breaks loose when half the team, including the Project Lead, are off vacation. This after months of indecision from the Prime: suddenly all issues have to be resolved in 30 days.

Westercon left me wondering if a convention can be too filk-friendly - at least at the end of each day's marathon concert run. Perhaps shorter time-slots are in order when you've got that many artists, so the audience can get a good sampling of everyone and still participate in other activities, like eating. I did really enjoy hearing all the Northwest filkers again, and for the first time. Esp. since I don't get out to the major cons too often. My con-hopping's likely to be limited in the near future as well due to a couple recent smacks to the wallet, combined with a looming sense of dread as I start to scope out the costs for the Stardust County CD...

The Wigwam Resort was kinda pricey but I have to admit that the grounds and rooms were nice, something that might do for an in-town getaway when I'm feeling rich again. On Sunday night they had cool fireworks (I think it was actually downtown Litchfield Park, visible from the resort), accompanied by patriotic music, except... the 1812 Overture?! Isn't that a few years off?

I'm rambling incoherently, and ought to get some sleep...


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