
Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Mootocracy n. Government by the irrelevant.

The UK's Register has an insightful article concerning Warner Bros. & New Line's attempt to shut down all websites whose domain names include the word "shire".

Bet you didn't know that yesterday was The Computer Ate My Vote Day. Also, in a recent article that I can't dig up right now, a major manufacturer of e-voting machines has submitted its code for formal certifcation. I don't remember the certifying body, but it ought to be NIST. In my opinion, e-voting machines should be Common Critera evaluated to at least EAL 4. The DoD has recently stated that all its ISes should be EAL 6; our votes, the basis of our democracy, deserve some verified level of protection.

I've been continuing on work on the new Stardust County arrangements after a brief post-con breather. I'm working on Climb, which is turning out to be the most complex arrangement in the suite. Now that The Conductor is taking over The Flight of the 10:45 Express, I've been moving a lot of the ideas in the old arrangement for that song into Climb, such as the trading off of voices on the verse and the psuedo-round on the chorus. It's a good thing; I'd always felt that the story peaked too early with the big ensemble on 10:45 Express and kind of lost steam on Climb, which should be the climax.


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