
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Ok, I stole that from Mark Russell. But what better way to describe the latest efforts from our wacky yet beloved state legislature?
Exhibit A: a proposed new law to allow people to carry guns into bars, which none of the bar owners wants. The proposed law would make it illegal to actually drink in a bar while carrying a gun - so now you can be the designated driver and ride shotgun at the same time!
Exhibit B: a proposed new law to permit pharmacists to refuse to fill legal prescriptions on moral grounds, which the pharmacists don't want because they say this law already exists. Well, the AZ gummint has never let facts get in its way before...

Today's my birthday, and I narrowly escaped having to fly to New Jersey tomorrow, which means I can go to Cavalia after all. My wall is now finished and it looks great. And Eric Idle is on John Stewart tonight, hurrah!


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