
Saturday, June 04, 2005

It's a good thing I didn't sleep in this morning, because there was a guy at my door at 8:30 wanting to trim my palm trees. Kind of embarrassing if you're still in your jammies.

Tell me if this makes sense to you: My credit union won't let me use my VISA in Australia, or for business with Australian companies. However, they did let me use it in New Zealand. And in fergoddessake China, which is one of the worst places in the world for credit card fraud. Is there any other place in the world where my charges have been blocked? Why, yes - Mongolia! Quick, what do Australia and Mongolia have in common?

Fortunately my other card (from my Mom's credit union) has no such restrictions, so I've been able to make my final reservations for my Australia/Fiji dive trip in December. Yay! I've got my new Henderson lycra skin from El Mar and signed up to get my Advanced certification at San Carlos in August.

Artichoke season is pretty much over; they're starting to bloom and the ones that haven't are getting stringy. Now the tomtaoes are beginning to ripen in earnest. The Brown Berry are doing well - kind of an interesting taste to them, that I can't quite describe - as are the tiny yellow volunteer ones, and the Sunmasters. Tomcat hybrids are producing some fruits, haven't tried them yet. There's one nearly-ripe Cherokee Purple that I'm thinking about bringing indoors before the insects get to it. The Rainbows, the only multicolor I planted this year, ain't doin' diddley. I think they didn't get pollinated before the heat hit.


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