
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Scam Alert!

There are a bunch of spams being circulated now by slime molds hoping to make money off the Katrina disaster. Don't be scammed! This FEMA site has a list of legitimate rescue organizations you can donate to. Make sure your money actually goes to help the victims.


I've seen some news articles recently critical of the proposed Iraqi constituion because it doesn't protect women's rights. None of these articles has mentioned that the U.S. Constitution doesn't explicitly protect women's rights. Most readers of this blog are old enough to remember such an amendment was drafted in the 70's - then beaten to a bloody pulp by alarmists who claimed that it would lead to, horror of horrors, unisex bathrooms.

Witchcraft and lesbianism may also have been mentioned.


I love the new Wisconsin quarter. It has a cow, an ear of corn, a big wheel of cheese, and a scroll bearing the slogan, "forward". Wow.


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