
Friday, September 09, 2005

Many people who are refusing to leave New Orleans in the past week are those unwilling to leave their pets behind. The HSUS is rescuing pets who were stranded by the hurricane, and providing shelter for those who were smuggled out by their owners.

NASFiC (Cascadiacon) was pretty laid back this year. I wasn't the only filker who wasn't attending the full con, and filk liason Leslie Jordan worked heroically to get everyone's concerts rescheduled. The Saturday night filk circle was expecially fun. Standout costumes at the rather short Masquerade were disco Snape and a kangaroo with giant butterfly wings. (No, not the same entry.) Sunday I was off visiting my family and missed some panels I was scheduled for, but made up for it by sneaking onto the songwriting panel on Monday with Anne Prather and Heather Alexander.

Sometimes when I go back to visit, I wonder what it would be like to move back to the Sound area. It's not serious speculation; real estate is through the roof there, and the winter weather used to leave me seriously depressed. I think it's seeing the beautiful gardens in front of every house, and the brightly-painted houses - HOAs haven't run rampant, at least not in the areas where my mom and brother live.


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