
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Many years ago, when the company I work for was part of Motorola and Motorola had its own private gym right across the parking lot, I took Yoga classes for awhile. Ever since then I've been doing a brief sun salutation in the morning, and gotten quite good at some positions, such as the tree. Yesterday morning I discovered that it's almost impossible to hold the plank position when a 6-month-old kitten climbs into your nightie.

Yes, I'm trying to add another cat to the family again, and this time it seems to be working. I adopted Savannah (actually her shelter name was "Betsy", but I object to giving cats common human names) from Friends for Life at the Petsmart last Saturday. Peaseblossom is still pissed-off and hissy, but her attitude's been improving daily - as well it should, since she outweighs Savannah by a factor of about three and should eventually realize the kitten isn't going to beat her up. (Although right now she's trying to eat Peasie's bowl. I mean, the bowl.)

Photo to be posted when Blogger's photo posting service gets back on line. "There were errors during upload." How lame is that?


This coming weekend I'm making the annual pilgrimage up to the Prescott Folk Festival, and my annual dinner at Prescott Brewing Company - yum! Unfortunately I spaced hotel arrangements until a couple weeks ago, and the Vendome was booked, so I'm staying in a chain hotel this year. Should be fun, and the weather forcast is great. I'm playing the Exhibit Hall on Saturday at 1:30, and joining the Songwriters' Circle on the same stage at 3:30.


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