
Monday, September 19, 2005

Penguin Porn

So I finally got out to see March of the Penguins yesterday. My thoughts:


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You're in better health than I am.

You go and dive; I'll chip in towards the camera gear.

(No help at all, am I?)

By Blogger Patrick Connors, at 8:54 AM  

Actually, this is a trifle more daunting:

Diving Equipment:
All divers must have at logged at least 20 dry suit dives. You will need the following equipment:

Dry suit with hood
Thick and warm underwater garment (2 sets), dry gloves or extra under gloves
Freeze protected regulator
2 separate regulators, because we dive with special bottles with two separate outlets
Stabilizing jacket, BC
Depth and pressure gauges, watch or computer
Mask, fins and snorkel
Weight belt (weights available onboard)

By Blogger Nancy, at 2:25 PM  

(googles, checks rates...)

Surprisingly almost-sort-of-affordable!

By Blogger Patrick Connors, at 8:59 AM  

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