Friday, January 27, 2006
So I'm vacillating right now on whether I'll be going to Consonance this year... it's always a fun filk convention, and I'd like to attend Cindy McQuillan's memorial. OTOH I'm kind of sick of travelling for awhile - I'd like to spend some time at home - and with next week's business trip to MSP I'll probably be even sicker of it by the time March rolls around. Not to mention that it's too close to the date now to use my VISA mileage.
"You can see the sirens flashing in the background."
-- that's what one of Channel 12's newscasters said earlier this week. No, you can't see the sirens flashing in the background, not unless this is the "Girls Gone Wild" version of the Odyssey. Police lights flash. Police sirens make a woo-woo sound.
"You can see the sirens flashing in the background."
-- that's what one of Channel 12's newscasters said earlier this week. No, you can't see the sirens flashing in the background, not unless this is the "Girls Gone Wild" version of the Odyssey. Police lights flash. Police sirens make a woo-woo sound.