Sunday, February 05, 2006
Frodo is out from under the futon and getting bolder by the day; last night I had circle at my house and all three cats were running around making nuisances of themselves, chewing on the flowers, jumping up skirts, and horning in on the feast. He's still alternating between "Pet me pet me!" and "No don't touch me! Run away!!!"
Animal Planet isn't spending buckets of money to compete with the Super Bowl. No, they're offering twelve hours of "Puppy Bowl", a bunch of puppies romping in a pen made up to look like a football satdium. If that's not cute enough for you, this year they've added the "Kitty Half-Time Show". And you can buy the DVD.
On a more serious note - much as I try to keep things positive over on - the Stardust County CD has been lost in La Mancha for over a year now and I really feel that it's reached a crisis point. I don't want to work with a producer I don't have experience with and trust, and I certainly don't want to produce something of this magnitude on my own, but if this CD is ever going to get off the ground we're going to have to get into the studio soon. The only plan I can think of is to start recording some preliminary tracks locally at a studio that uses the same software Jeff does. I sent off an email to Jeff, but don't expect to hear back soon, as (figuratively) snowed-under as he is - commuting 200 miles every weekend and trying to sell the house. Hopefully by the time the Phoenix Folk Festival rolls around in March I'll have a better handle on how to move ahead, or not.
I am, I'll admit, tempted to jump up and down and volunteer. However, I'm a Pro Tools shop.
I'll drop Jeff a line if you like. At the very least I can do reference tracks, as I did on Harmony Heifers.
By Patrick Connors, at 7:37 PM
Also. my inner map geek is trying to figure out where the cats are planing to invade. Looks a little like northeast New Zealand, but I have New Zealand on the brain these days.
By Patrick Connors, at 7:39 PM
Right direction, wrong landmass. It's Queensland - northeast Australia.
That would leave out my last producer, as he definitely didn't have Pro Tools. Kyle Harris, my mixer, however, has something like that, where you can see the tracks mixed as squiggles. Don't know if it's compatible to Jeff, though.