Thursday, June 01, 2006

I'm back from synchronicity
Here's some pictures of my "Easter lilly" cacti, which decided to bloom yesterday and today. Too bad the blossoms only last a day.

Wednesday I took Peasie in to the vet for a cortisone shot, which seems to be doing some good for her itchiness. While I was waiting, I got into a conversation with another woman, who was bringing her kittens in for their first visit. It seems her eldest two cats had recently died, leaving her with one adult cat, named Sierra. She'd just adopted the two brother-and-sister tabby kittens, and wasn't sure how Sierra would react to them. I'm thinking this whole series of events is oddly similar to what I went through over the past year; but it became really eerie when the assistant called my cat's name. "Peaseblossom?" said the woman I was talking to. "She's Sierra's mother!"

See, going on eleven years ago I was visiting the same vet to get food for Omega, and saw that they had two black cats up for adoption, a very young cat and her kitten. I was living in an apartment at the time, and I thought to myself, "I could pass two black cats off as one cat, and not have to pay extra pet rent!" Eventually I adopted the mother, whom I named Peaseblossom. I'd met the woman who adopted the kitten once, but that was long ago. Sierra's going grey, which is funny because her mother isn't, and she had an allergic rash when she was young which responded well to cortisone, so I'm hopeful for Peasie now.
What beautiful photos! Computer-wallpaper type stuff. Nice!