
Monday, September 25, 2006

Well, this is disgusting.

Arizona gubernatorial candidate Len Munsil apparently hasn't any real issues to run on, so he's inventing them. He's declared that a memorial to the victims of 9/11, created with bipartisan support and funded through private donations, isn't Patriotically Correct enough for him, and rounded up some supporters to get himself a little photo-op. The families the memorial is meant to honor were, oddly enough, not among those claiming offense, so: shut up!

Read all about it here, if you've got a strong stomach.


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Len Munsil really needs to be checked for rabies. He can't open his mouth without frothing. Patrick refers to him as that "Republican Nutbar that is running against our Governor." He is hysterical, desperate and really willing to use any hate tactic to win. I've noticed pretty much all the Republicans in this state having a hard time hiding the rabies symptoms. They had their way for an awfully long time and boy do they get nasty when somone takes away even one of their toys.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:16 PM  

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