
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Trader Joe's has golden kiwifruit! Woo hoo!

So anyway. I woke up twice last night from dreams that the kitchen remodelling had gone horribly awry. For example, with the addition of a sunken bathtub made of sand, or possibly graham cracker crumbs or hummus. I didn't get a real good look.

The real project isn't that bad, but the early stages are just dragging on for bloody ever. Since the remodel involves moving a door and two windows, I decided to use the same company to replace all the crappy single-glazed windows in the house with energyStar double-glazed. Supposedly they'd do all this while we were waiting for the cabinets and countertop to arrive. So, I arranged to work from home the day the windows were to be done, so I could make sure the cats were correctly herded while there were great gaping holes to the scary yet intruiging Outside in the walls.

The guys worked half the day, got half the job done, then left. One of the windows had arrived damaged, one was the wrong size, and there was a change of plans so they weren't doing the kitchen windows at all until the new door arrived, and blah blah fishcakes. This was three weeks ago and the delivery date for the door keeps getting pushed out.

I hope this isn't a harbinger of the entire project. I really don't want work being done on my house while I'm off in the South Pacific, and I really really don't want the kitchen to be torn up when my family comes down for Christmas.

Oh well. The cabinets are supposed to arrive shortly after Samhain. Hopefully things will pick up and turn around.


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I'm just a curious web surfer, but why is your blog called Eanna?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:07 PM  

Last time I renamed this blog, I wanted to change it to the name of the house of Nidaba, the Sumerian goddess of writing, but I couldn't find this in any of my books, although I do remember seeing it in a book by Kramer. So I changed it to Eanna, the house of Inanna, until I could think of something cleverer.

By Blogger Nancy, at 9:07 PM  

I was curious because my name is Eanna, but the name is Irish so it must be a coincidence it matches up with the house of Inanna.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:19 PM  

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